Becky Munroe and Jeanette Gibson work at Bath Road, a Milestones Trust residential care home for people with learning disabilities in South Gloucestershire. They recently attended the West of England AHSN’s online RESTORE2 training and are now training the rest of their staff team.
In this blog, Becky and Jeanette share the story of Henry, one of the residents at Bath Road, and how the team’s knowledge of the RESTORE2 tool helped make sure he quickly got the right medical treatment he needed.
When Henry (name changed for confidentiality), a gentleman living at Bath Road who has suffered with aspiration pneumonia on numerous occasions showed signs of being unwell, the staff took action.
They recognised that Henry was possibly suffering with a severe chest infection, as he was coughing a lot and not presenting as his usual self.
Rachel (one of our team members) immediately recognised that he may be unwell and after explaining, isolated him in his bedroom and tested for COVID-19. She then explained that she was going to contact the GP. Rachel contacted the GP and had to await a call back.
Whilst waiting, Rachel who was trained in RESTORE2 carried out all the observations with Dave, another member of staff. Dave had not yet been trained but had access to our RESTORE2 resources. Rachel and Dave’s observations gave the resident a NEWS score of 4.
When the GP called back, he asked if we had completed any observations and Rachel and Dave were able to provide all the details. The GP was happy to prescribe antibiotics, which were urgently delivered to the service. The GP was also happy we had completed the observations and had all relevant facts to hand.
Our use of RESTORE2 resulted in a positive outcome for Henry. He did not need to be admitted to hospital, as had been the case previously when he had a similar health issue. Henry was able to continue to receive support in the comfort of his own home and his health improved much more quickly than when he’d gone into hospital before.
Both of us have recently attended the RESTORE2 training provided by the West of England AHSN and are currently rolling out RESTORE2 amongst the team at Bath Road.
Having the RESTORE2 tool has been a positive experience for the people who live at Bath Road and it’s enabling the team to spot and document signs of deterioration quickly and efficiently.
Consequently, staff are able to pass on critical information to the relevant medical professionals, and this in turn results in a quicker response and more positive outcome for the individuals we support.
Our use of RESTORE2 is also supporting us to reduce inappropriate hospital admissions, thereby enabling the team to reduce footfall into the service during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Book your training
Posted on January 29, 2021 by Becky Munroe (Service Coordinator) and Jeanette Gibson (Service Manager), Bath Road Residential Care Home, Milestones Trust