On 3 October, the new and extended South West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative (SW LDC) held an online event for those with an interest in learning disabilities and improving outcomes for people with a learning disability across the South West to come together and share experiences, ideas and learning.
The event was chaired by Alison Tavaré, GP and a Primary Care Clinical Lead at the West of England AHSN and was packed with informative presentations including improving the outcomes of someone with a learning disability who becomes acutely unwell, the use of hospital passports and the NHS England South West team discussing the national areas of focus for the learning disability community.
It was also an opportunity for participants to view a new RESTORE2 training video produced by Inclusion Gloucester and a space for vibrant discussions. The webinar was well received and attended with over 140 people joining from across the South West.
Watch the SW LDC launch event recording.
James McMahon, Senior Project Manager for the West of England AHSN and workstream lead for the SW LDC said:
“It was great to build our community at the launch event and showcase the ambitions and vision of the SW LDC. We were delighted to be able to welcome contributors from across the whole of the South West region for the first time to share learning and ideas. We thank everyone who joined us.”
The West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative (LDC) was established in 2019, and focused on using the National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) and soft-signs tools such as RESTORE2; increasing uptake of Annual Health Checks and flu vaccination.
After notable successes, the West of England LDC ceased in March 2022, with the new and expanded SW LDC created to cover the entire South West of England region. The expanded collaborative is facilitated by the West of England AHSN, funded and delivered in partnership with NHS England South West.
The South West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative will be hosting regular learning events. The next SW LDC event will be held on Monday 28 November and will explore improving outcomes for clinical conditions, with a focus on how people with a learning disability access screening, diagnosis and treatment for cancer in the South West.
Posted on October 28, 2022