What is Q and how will it help health care?
Q is a diverse and growing community of people with experience and understanding of improvement who are committed to working collaboratively to improve the quality of health and health care across the UK.
Over time, Q will grow to be a community of thousands of people including front-line staff, managers, researchers, policy makers, patient leaders, and others.
By working together, those who join Q are supported to be more effective in their own improvement work and make more of a difference on shared quality issues.
Q is an initiative, led by the Health Foundation and supported and co-funded by NHS England.
What is the West of England AHSN doing?
We are supporting Q and have committed to help identify potential participants for future cohorts. This complements our own ongoing strategy of identifying improvement expertise and experience across the region.
Your assistance in completing this survey will allow us to begin the exercise of mapping our regional capacity and provide the Health Foundation with basic details of individuals interested in improvement.
In completing this survey you are stating that you give consent for your name, contact details and information about the improvement work you are involved in to be shared with the Health Foundation for the purposes of understanding regional improvement activity and networks and to receive information about being a future participant of Q.
Please be aware that your details will not be shared outside of the West of England Academic Health Science Network or Health Foundation Q Initiative team and you are not committing to being part of any future cohort of the Q Initiative.
For more information visit www.health.org.uk/programmes/about-q-initiative or contact Kevin Hunter kevin.hunter@weahsn.net
Posted on May 9, 2016