Health Innovation West of England brings together all the key players innovating health and care in our region.
We were first established by NHS England in 2013 as the West of England Academic Health Science Network (AHSN). We were one of 15 AHSNs across England, known collectively as the AHSN Network and is now the Health Innovation Network.
The Government and NHS England have relicensed AHSNs from 1 October 2023 for a further five years. To better reflect our role as the innovation arm of the NHS, our name also changed from this date to Health Innovation West of England.
We have earned a reputation for our ambitious, joined-up vision for healthcare innovation and transformation. Find out more in our latest impact report.
Since our launch, our priority has been to work across organisational and geographical boundaries, involving our entire network in both development and delivery to drive transformation that is based on genuine need, is successfully embedded and sustainable.
With our unique expertise and cross-sector connections, we understand both the ‘push and pull’ of demand on healthcare innovation. We actively nurture an innovation ecosystem around health and care, removing obstacles and bringing diverse groups together to conceive and maximise new ways of working.