Sandra Akintola, Clinical Project Lead for Bristol Community Health, writes about how her work with the AHSN helped her to hone her networking style, make valuable connections and see the bigger picture to her work.
I first connected with the AHSN when I attended a network meeting in place of my manager. Although I didn’t quite know how I fitted in, I knew I was amongst like-minded people. As I got to know people in the AHSN it helped me see beyond my immediate role and see how my workstream fits in a bigger picture. I’m a natural networker, but the richness of the organisations the AHSN works with has helped me hone my networking style, and has introduced me to clinicians who have become my role models.
My role involves introducing new clinical approaches and monitoring their implementation, so I’m always open to new ideas. Where I’ve found working with the AHSN to be especially helpful is introducing the clinicians and clinical directors I work with to others, maybe working in different settings, trying to make the same changes. I’ve heard phrases like “I didn’t realise so many other people out there are doing this – it makes it seem real.”
It is this sharing of knowledge and experience that is so vital, helping clinicians feel part of a wider process of change and improvement. It makes sense to share knowledge, as we share patients all the time as they move from community settings to hospital and then back again.
This story is a highlight from our 2017/18 annual review: joining the dots to healthcare innovation. Check out the full review here.
Posted on August 15, 2018 by Sandra Akintola, Clinical Project Lead, Bristol Community Health