The innovation journey takes you from identifying opportunities for innovation to implementing and scaling your ideas. It’s a dynamic and iterative process that involves creativity, experimentation, and collaboration.

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned innovator, we have the resources you need to navigate through each phase of the journey and make a real impact.

Resources to support each phase

In the invention phase, you’ll be exploring opportunities, generating ideas, and selecting the best ones to test. View resources to support invention.

Once you have a promising idea, it’s time to develop your innovation through prototyping and testing. View resources to support innovation and turn your idea into a reality.

In the improvement phase, you’ll use quality improvement methods to implement your innovation and engage stakeholders. Check out resources to support improvement and take your innovation to the next level.

The impact phase is all about making a system-wide impact as your innovation is adopted and spread more widely. Discover resources to support impact and create lasting change.

Ready to dive deeper into the world of innovation? Explore our evidence and evaluation resources and browse our collection of free toolkits, guides, and videos.

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