We’ve been speaking to the team at BOB.health to find out more about how their vision to help good ideas spread through the NHS. We believe this could be a good opportunity to help both capture and disseminate stories from our collaborative projects.
When starting an NHS project, big or small, staff find it hard to discover the experience and practice of other people who have delivered something similar. BOB.health is a free-for-NHS supportive online tool that helps NHS staff create, learn from, and share the experience of adapting to evolving local service change. It is only accessible to NHS staff, AHSNs and other verified and approved non-commercial organisations serving the NHS, making it a safe space to share.
At its core, BOB is a writing engine that makes it easy for NHS staff to create an impact story, which will accurately capture the problems faced and the insights gained. By providing 2-3 sentence answers to a set of precise questions NHS story creators build a clear picture of how a change was made. The resulting impact story is then fully searchable enabling others doing something similar to learn from their experience.
The tool has been four years in the making, and the BOB team have been given ongoing advice in the run up to launch from AHSN colleagues in other parts of the country. BOB.health launched in April with a specific focus on supporting the health system through COVID-19. As normal NHS services start to resume, BOB will expand to welcome stories that describe the impact of general improvement and innovation adoption projects.
Sharing learning has never been more important than in the midst of a pandemic and by sharing impact stories of how changes are delivered locally, you can support peers in other areas of the UK to gain insights and ideas as you make a rapid change in your services. This helps proven good ideas spread and scale throughout the NHS at a time when collaboration is especially important. Additionally, the benefit to you and your team is the opportunity for evaluation, reflection and auditing as the NHS returns to a new normal.
If you’d like to find out more about BOB.health and have an opportunity to ask the BOB team questions, then why not join their webinar on Thursday 28 May? Register your attendance here
Posted on May 13, 2020