The West of England AHSN 2020-21 business plan sets out an ambitious programme for improvement and innovation, to deliver significant and lasting benefits to local people, our member organisations, and contribute to innovation in healthcare locally and nationally.
Natasha Swinscoe, Chief Executive, West of England AHSN commented:
“It has never been more important for the NHS to be harnessing the enormous potential for innovation to help transform health services and improve health.
The COVID-19 pandemic is requiring an unprecedented response across health and care systems. Improvements and innovations implemented rapidly and at scale, have transformed many aspects of the organisation and delivery of health and care services.
We have an ambitious programme for innovation and improvement in the West of England that will see us work ever more closely with our members; the NHS providers, commissioners and universities in the West of England. Together we will generate a vibrant new local programme in response to the priorities of our three local health and care systems.”
The plan draws on the NHS Long Term Plan but is fundamentally a local business plan for the West of England targeted at developing local innovation programmes in response to locally identified needs.
One of the ways the plan responds to our members’ priorities, is by including a substantial investment in building the capability and capacity they need, through our enhanced Innovation and Improvement Academy, which launched earlier this year and is experiencing growing demand.
Also featured are significant plans for improved insight and evaluation capability, to enable us to provide greater capacity for the rapid evaluation of promising innovations in a real-world setting for our member organisations.
Get a copy of our full business plan as a PDF download , read it on Issuu
Posted on October 12, 2020