Key tasks
- Confirm ongoing support needs from system leaders to sustain and continue model
- Agree closure plan including final project report and handover to local teams
- Agree how will continue to capture key insights and learning
- Continue to contribute to the development of a national repository of resources on NHS Futures platform, including case studies and national / local presentations, supporting the national evaluation workstream as required
Outline deliverables for the sustainability phase:
- A revised national and regional Learning Network programme and supporting structures
- Continuous communication and engagement at regional and local system level
- Ongoing support for the implementation of COVID oximetry@home sites linking to the emerging Deterioration Patient Safety Networks
- Collation of insights and learning through a refined ‘how to’ guide, including other communication activities co-ordinated by the national oversight and delivery group
- Undertake implementation refinements as required
- Continue to contribute to the development of a national repository of resources
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Wessex and partners have compiled a report: An Evidence-Based Approach to Quality Improvement for COVID oximetry@home.
Professor Naomi Fulop’s and her team led on the rapid first wave evaluation, and in this presentation, detail the 4 evaluation work streams of the RSET and BRACE evaluation and how services can get involved.
Read other sections of the implementation toolkit or return to the COVID Oximetry at Home landing page