Category > Health Innovation West of England

Meet our new Clinical Leads


The West of England AHSN is pleased to announce the recruitment of a new cohort of Clinical Leads, who support our projects and programmes with their expert clinical guidance. Clinical Leads work with us on a part-time basis, whilst spending the majority of their working life in a clinical setting. This enables them to bring…

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Working collaboratively to improve patient safety during COVID-19


Since mid-November, the West of England AHSN has been supporting our three STP systems with the rapid implementation of the COVID Oximetry @home service (a step up pathway) to help detect the early signs of deterioration in patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. More recently, since mid-January, COVID Virtual Wards (‘step-down’ pathways to help enable…

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Quality improvement for primary care workshops launch


The West of England Academy are hosting a new series of five free-to-attend interactive online workshops each Friday from 16 April. Attendees will gain a basic understanding and practical knowledge of applying Quality Improvement (QI) techniques to real-world challenges in primary care. Modelled on our hugely successful QI Summer and Winter Series, this five-week course,…

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Moving forward with our diversity and inclusivity journey


The West of England AHSN is proud to announce diversity and cohesion specialists BCohCo, have been appointed to support our diversity and inclusion programme. Following a successful tender process, BCohCo will be working across the AHSN to review how we ensure diversity, inclusion, cohesion and equality are embedded as core values across our organisation and…

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2020/21 Pathway Transformation Fund


Applications for phase 3 of the Pathway Transformation Fund (PTF) are open until 30 April 2021. The fund supports NHS organisations increase adoption of the 2020/21 Rapid Uptake Products RUPs, which are: Lipid Management: High Intensity Statins, Ezetimibe and PCSK9 inhibitors Measuring fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) concentration in asthma: products NIOX VERO and NObreath…

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Patient Safety Report

Patient safety in partnership


The AHSN Network has made a significant contribution during the first year of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy. An update on its patient safety plan – one year on outlines the impact England’s AHSNs, including the West of England, had improving safety in hospitals, maternity and neonatal units, care homes and the community. It also…

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2020 – The year of learning through adversity

Blog article

Natasha Swinscoe, Chief Executive of the West of England AHSN, looks back on the last 12 months. As I reflect on the year that was 2020, two quotes spring to mind, from very different sources. Firstly there are Michelle Obama’s motivational words: “You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Instead, it’s important for…

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Impact report Graphic

AHSN Network has benefited more than 479,000 patients and generated £322.3 million inward investment for UK economy


The innovation delivery arm of the NHS, the AHSN Network, has released its Impact Report 2018-2020. The report highlights outstanding impacts achieved by AHSNs, including the West of England, and evidences how they are driving adoption and spread in healthcare innovation, transforming patient outcomes, enabling efficiencies, saving the NHS money, generating economic growth and attracting…

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Hip Hip Hooray! New cohort of HIPsters graduate from first virtual Health Innovation Programme (HIP)


A new cohort of HIPsters has successfully graduated from the West of England AHSN’s Health Innovation Programme (HIP), following its first virtual course in partnership with SETSquared – the global no.1 university business incubator.   The HIP, now in its 6th year, is an intensive, fully funded, development course that helps entrepreneurs to develop business propositions with real potential to transform healthcare, and equip them with the core skills in…

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West of England innovator selected for DigitalHealth.London’s flagship Accelerator programme


DigitalHealth.London recently announced the 20 small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) selected for their latest flagship Accelerator programme. Those selected for the 2020-2021 programme have digital solutions or services that have the highest potential to meet London’s NHS and social care challenges. From patient self-management tools and femtech to digitizing NHS processes, as well as…

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