Category > Transforming systems and services

NICE launch draft sepsis quality standards


NICE launched their draft sepsis quality standard on 10 March 2017. The West of England AHSN is pleased to note that a number of the quality statements included in these draft standards are already being addressed through regional initiatives as part of our Deteriorating Patient programme. Quality statements 1. People with suspected sepsis are assessed to stratify…

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Sharing the learning: new practices join our Primary Care Collaborative


Our Primary Care Collaborative event at the beginning of March brought together seven practices from across the West of England, enabling those involved in Cohort 1 to share their learning with practices interested in Cohort 2. Representatives received certificates of participation and carried out virtual practice visits to share their learning with each other. Cohort 1 participants…

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Dramatic turnaround from ‘requires improvement’ to ‘outstanding’


Congratulations to University Hospitals Bristol on their dramatic turnaround from ‘requires improvement’ to ‘outstanding’ The West of England AHSN congratulates University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) for achieving an ‘outstanding’ rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) this week.  We’re incredibly proud of their achievements, particularly those with a focus on patient safety. “The trust…

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Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative


Members of our Patient Safety team attended the launch of the national Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative at the QEII Conference centre in London last month. This was a high profile launch, with speakers including Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, and Mike Durkin, NHS National Director for Patient Safety. The new collaborative is a…

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We can and we should adopt NEWS

Blog article

Steven West, Chair of the West of England AHSN and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West of England, explores how we can come together to create solutions that are sustainable, affordable and acceptable to all NHS stakeholders? Our NHS and social care system are one of the country’s greatest assets. They are a fantastic gift that we…

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Enterprise - Digital Engagement Platform

Challenge launched to create new digital engagement platform


The West of England AHSN is launching an exciting challenge for digital developers to create a new online engagement platform to support our Design Together, Live Better initiative as well as other future health and social care projects. Funding of up to £75,000 is available for the initial development of a SaaS (software as a service) platform and…

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250 patients signed up to diabetes self-management pilot in Gloucestershire


Ahead of the launch of the new Diabetes Digital Coach platform later this year, people with diabetes in Gloucestershire are already benefitting from online structured education as part of a pilot project. Working with Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), we are giving people with diabetes advance access to Mapmydiabetes, one of the digital self-management tools…

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Latest recruits join the GP Clinical Evidence Fellowship programme


October 2016 saw the beginning of the third year of the West of England AHSN’s GP Clinical Evidence Fellowship programme, with four new GP recruits joining the six who have continued in post for another year. These 10 highly motivated GPs are each based in a clinical commissioning group (CCG) for half a day a…

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Healthcare from your living room: how can we help more people care for themselves in their own homes?


FREE EVENT Bristol – 7 February 2017 – 9:30am-5pm Finding ways to help people live longer in their own homes is increasingly seen as an urgent priority. Featuring speakers from Bristol Community Health and Designability, as well as special guests from Denmark to talk about their Living Labs concept, this event will explore the role…

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Everything you ever wanted to know about public involvement but were afraid to ask


In December, 30 people came together in Bristol to share experiences and come to a common understanding about how to implement good public involvement in healthcare settings. In the room were people from voluntary sector organisations, clinical commissioning groups, mental health services, Universities as well as Trusts and provider services. All came to the workshop…

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