04/07/2018|Time: 08:45 - 17:00
Location: Holiday Inn Filton Bristol
Organised by: South of England Mental Health Collaborative
Tel: 07825 257 154
Email: sallyashton@nhs.net
Event summary
The aim of the South of England Mental Health Quality and Safety Improvement Collaborative is to make care safer by improving quality in mental healthcare.
Learning Session 16 will be a two day learning session in Bristol, with a “Learning from deaths in mental health” focus and will enable delegates to acquire knowledge, receive coaching and develop practical skills in:
- The model for improvement
- The implementation of PDSAs
- Measurement
- Implementing QI projects
- Coaching in the application of QI
- Take away innovations for testing
- Network with peers
- Share learning multi organisationally
Day 1: Registration and refreshments will open from 8.45am with the opening address commencing at 9.15am, and concluding at 5.00pm. Break out sessions for Day 1 will include:
- I’m a newcomer
- LEARN (thinking about QI)
- LIVE (implementing QI)
- LEAD (achieving QI)
Day 2: Registration will open slightly earlier than day 1 at 8.30am, with a 9.00am start. The event will close at 4.15pm. Breakout sessions for Day 2 will include:
[1] Co- production – working as partners to learn from deaths together
[2] Medicines –the role medication plays in learning from deaths
[3] Leadership – incorporating the learning from deaths into how we use our experience
[4]Physical Health – the role physical health plays in learning from deaths
[5] Learning from suicide