24/02/2021|Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: academy@weahsn.net
Event summary
Our new winter series of interactive online workshops will deliver the basic theory of QI and help attendees apply their learning.
Gain a basic understanding and practical knowledge of applying Quality Improvement (QI) techniques to real world challenges on this five-week series of online workshops.
Our free to attend, 1-hour sessions are standalone, so you can join individual sessions or the whole series. Attendees can be in any role and level within their organisation. All sessions will run from 12:00-13:00.
The winter series will showcase the basic theory of Quality Improvement (QI) and help you apply your learning. Led by the AHSN’s Academy team alongside guest speakers, topicsinclude stakeholder mapping, creating infographics, evaluation and the basics for planning, implementing and measuring a change programme. Which workshops can I attend?
Each workshop will be highly interactive, so you can gain hands-on practise in real world scenarios. The workshops will be beneficial to anyone regardless if you are working on a specific QI project. If you encounter challenges in your role (or outside work), and want to consider how these can be tackled, these sessions will help.
- Session 1 – (27 January): What is the challenge and why QI? An introduction to basic Quality Improvement methodology and how it can be used for healthcare projects. Gain hands on experience of using QI tools to understand challenges from every angle.
- Session 2 – (3 February): Creating change ideas. Gain practical experience in using Liberating Structures for fast idea generation.
- Session 3 – (10 February): Planning a change programme Gain hands on experience in using QI tools to plan and set up a QI project. Introduction to the project management fundamentals needed for a change programme.
- Session 4 – (17 February): Carrying out QI Understand the steps to follow for implementing and testing change ideas. Gain hands on experience of using the Plan Do Study Act cycle to make improvements.
- Session 5 – (24 February): Making the data work Understand how data is used to drive QI projects. Learn various methods for analysing and presenting data.
You will gain valuable insight into QI theory and effective tools you can put into immediate practice. You can join the whole winter series or choose the sessions that you’re most interested in. The workshops will be interactive with activities to complete in Zoom breakout rooms or at home at your own pace.
The course will:
- Give a basic overview of how quality and process improvement works
- Show how QI can lead to better outcomes for staff, organisations and patients
- Give attendees the confidence and practical skills to start using QI approaches in real world scenarios
- Show attendees how to access additional support through our West of England Academy
Who is it for?
Basically anyone who works in healthcare or healthcare innovation.
The series is designed for anyone with an interest in making improvements who have none or some understanding of QI. Attendees can be in any role and level within their organisation, for example from clinical, administration or facilities.
Attendees will be interested in applying learning to real-world scenarios either personal or professional.
Our academy works hard to welcome attendees from a broad range of backgrounds creating a safe and open environment for learning and sharing ideas.