24/04/2019|Time: 09:30 - 16:30
Location: The Bristol Pavilion, Bristol, BS7 9EJ
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 984 1579
Email: Hannah.Little@weahsn.net
Event summary
People with learning disabilities die, on average, 16 years earlier than the general population. People with profound and multiple learning disabilities have an average life expectancy of 46. Many of these deaths are from avoidable causes, such as sepsis. Our health service needs to get better at preventing, recognising and responding to physical deterioration in people with a learning disability, by adapting systems and services to meet individual needs and by providing reasonable adjustment where necessary. We have identified three key areas of focus to improve health outcomes for people with learning disabilities: recording and communicating NEWS2, improving completion and quality of annual health checks and increasing uptake of flu vaccination. This event will share current successes in these areas and explore ways in which we can collectively support and build upon this work.
The programme
Full agenda will follow shortly.
We will outline the structure of a new quality improvement venture, co-led by the West of England Academic Health Science Network and NHS England, which aims to reduce premature mortality in people with learning disabilities.
The core focus will be on NEWS2, annual health checks and flu vaccination. We will explore quality improvement techniques to achieve this aim and measurement strategies to demonstrate improvement. There will be opportunities to participate in research and evaluation, and to explore the use of innovation and technology for the benefit of this cohort of people. Other topics will likely include: soft-signs, reasonable adjustment, capacity, consent, ethics, and importantly, patient experience.
At this launch event there will be an opportunity to help shape and become involved with this exciting workstream. This will be followed by a series of regular meetings and events which will support continuing work. Events will focus on testing new ideas, sharing and learning from each other and will involve people with learning disabilities, their family and carers.
Benefits of attending
- Meet people working to improve health outcomes for people with learning disabilities
- Be a part of an ongoing cross-system collective effort to reduce premature mortality
- Be part of a network of like-minded people who really want to make a difference
- Address ambitions outlined in the Long Term Plan
- Learn more about the West of England Academic Health Science Network and participate in our work
- Develop skills in quality improvement
- Be part of creating evidence for the future
Who should attend
Anyone with an interest in improving health outcomes for people with learning disabilities, including commissioners, medics, AHPs, nurses, paramedics, third sector colleagues, academics, innovators, members of the public: including people with learning disabilities and their families and carers.