27/11/2017|Time: 18:00 - 20:30
Location: Unit DX, St Phillips Central, Albert Road, Bristol BS2 0XJ
Organised by: Designability
Tel: 01225 824103
Email: info@designability.org.uk
Event summary
You are invited to join us at this FREE event:
A breath of fresh air? a patient centred approach to the management of respiratory conditions
Anoop Chauhan, Consultant Respiratory Physician; Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Director of Research at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
The burden on NHS Emergency Care is huge and a large part is due to respiratory conditions, especially exacerbations. One way is to improve the patient pathway and introduce innovations at an early stage, through new models of care and innovative technologies that have good evidence support their use.
Anoop Chauhan will discuss potential new models of care in respiratory diseases, working with stakeholders and industry partners to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs within the NHS. He will give examples of previous projects with the Wessex AHSN and Wessex Asthma Network and collaborations with industry. Professor Chauhan brings with him experience of airways disease; he is Chief Investigator on several multi centre research trials (e.g. RESPECT-Meso http://respect-meso.org and LASER http://lasertrial.co.uk)
Crowdsourcing healthcare innovation
Adam Lester-George, Technical Director, LeLan: Healthcare Innovation Consultants
This presentation will share some of the lessons learned across 2 years of projects exploring the co-creation of healthcare products and how this has led to the development of a unique digital ideation platform. It will describe the results of ‘Design Together, Live Better’ (DTLB), a co-creation programme established by the West of England Academic Health Science Network with support from Designability, and how this allowed citizens, healthcare professionals and innovators to collaborate on to the development and adaptation of new healthcare products. From here, the presentation will examine how DTLB has evolved into ‘hyvr’, a unique online social platform designed to connect people, ideas and innovations around health conditions. hyvr will be used to explore how future engagement and co-creation activities can be delivered cost-effectively, at scale and in a way that increases accessibility for both citizens and SMEs.