12/11/2019|Time: 18:00 - 20:30
Location: Room 3X110, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, BS16 1QY
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 900 3408
Email: Innovation@weahsn.net
Event summary
The ALAN runs a quarterly seminar programme to bring together business, healthcare professionals, service user groups and academic researchers to discuss the key issues and areas of unmet need.
Our aim is to build up and facilitate new collaborations, to promote knowledge transfer and the uptake of research and create commercial opportunities for products or services.
Our focus is to improve the health and wellbeing and support economic development in the South West of England. We will draw on best practice from the UK and Europe.
Sheila Mackintosh, Centre for Public Health & Wellbeing, UWE, Bristol
The Disabled Facilities Grant on its 30th birthday. Where should innovation and government investment go next?
Jemma Mouland, Senior Innovation Manager, Centre for Ageing Better
Healthy Ageing Innovation Framework and Ageing Innovation Landscape Review
Topic: The number of people over 75 in the UK today is one in 12. By 2040, it will rise to one in 7. We’re also living for longer and a third of children born now are expected to live to 100.
Innovate UK, is to invest up to £2 million in stage 1 of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) Healthy Ageing Trailblazers. The healthy ageing challenge will support the UK government’s Ageing Society Grand Challenge to ensure people can enjoy at least 5 extra healthy, independent years of life by 2035, while narrowing the gap between the experiences of the richest and poorest.
The aim of this challenge is to enable businesses, including social enterprises, to develop and deliver products, services and business models that will be adopted at scale which support people as they age. This will allow people to remain active, productive, independent and socially connected across generations for as long as possible
The Centre for Ageing Better & Big Society Capital’s review of Healthy Ageing Innovation and Investment in the UK was commissioned to support the Healthy Ageing call. The paper provides a detailed review of the current funding landscape, including the available statutory provision such as the Disabled Facilities Grant.
The founding members are: University of Bath, Bath Research and Development; Designability; the South West Academic Health Network; and the University of West of England (Institute of Bio-sensing Technology).