16/05/2018|Time: 09:30 - 16:30
Location: Engineers' House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol, BS8 3NB
Organised by: Bristol Patient Safety
Tel: n/a
Email: Katherine@bristolpatientsafety.com
Event summary
This independent patient safety and quality improvement conference is now in its fifth year.
The programme includes eminent and expert speakers on patient safety and quality improvement, practice-based improvement projects and a national poster competition.
Some of the topics covered will be:
- Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB)
- learning from deaths
- criteria-led discharge
- patient safety culture
- human factors
- new approach to QI learning
- healthcare innovation.
The plenary speakers are:
- Dr Kevin Stewart Medical Director, HSIB
- Dr Tricia Woodhead, Associate Clinical Director for Patient Safety, West of England AHSN
- Dr Mark Juniper, Consultant in Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine and Lead Co-ordinator, National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome & Death
- Dr Rebecca Dyar, CT2 Anaesthetics and Quality Improvement Fellow, Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust
- Liz Lees-Deutsch, Consultant Nurse (acute medicine) currently undertaking an NIHR funded PhD Research Fellowship in Discharge Practice and Risk Assessment
- Professor Tim Draycott.
There will also be workshops led by: Jo Pendray, Improvement Lead, South West AHSN; Ann Remmers, Patient Safety Programme Director, West of England AHSN; Nicola Davey, Director, Quality Improvement Clinic; and Dr Laura Pickup, Human Factors Expert.
You can enter the quality improvement and patient safety poster competition by submitting your entry online here. The deadline is 16 March 2018.
For more information or to book, please click here.
The programme
To view the programme for the day, please click here