15/05/2019|Time: 08:30 - 16:30
Location: Engineers’ House, Bristol,
Organised by: KJDCommunications Ltd / Bristol Patient Safety
Tel: n/a
Email: katherine@kjdcommunications.com
Event summary
An independent patient safety and quality improvement conference now in our sixth year. Registrations is now open!
Hear from patient safety and quality improvement experts, learn from practice-based improvement projects and share your work through our national poster competition
Delegate fee
- Standard Rate £219
- Short-listed posters £159
Secure your place at the conference here.
Poster Competition 2019
Do you have an innovative, measurable solution to a patient safety issue? Have you made a difference to quality of care? If so, the poster competition is now open. Deadline 10 March 2019
Judges will be looking for examples of innovation, joint working and proven outcomes. You will be notified by the 17th April 2019 if your entry has been short-listed and you will be invited to create and print a poster for display at the Bristol Patient Safety Conference on 15th May 2019 which will qualify you for a discounted delegate rate of £159. Prize and runner up awards will be announced at the conference.
Please note, submission of a poster is not a delegate booking. You will need to complete the booking form and pay for your delegate place by 23 April 2019 to attend the conference. If you have any questions please email info@bristolpatientsafety.com.
The programme
Speakers includes a keynote from Joe Rafferty, CEO, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, featured speaker Dr John Dean, Clinical Director for quality improvement and patient safety Royal College of Physicians and workshops from Dr Tricia Woodhead, Associate Director of Patient Safety, West of England AHSN, Ann Remmers, Maternal and Neonatal Clinical Lead, West of England AHSN and Lou Hall, Programme Manager Evaluation from South West AHSN.
See full programme here.