Wednesday 17 May 2023
Location: Online
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: katherine@bristolpatientsafety.com
Event summary
The West of England AHSN will be sponsoring the upcoming online Bristol Patient Safety Conference 2023 (BPSC2023) which will take place on Wednesday 17 May.
You’ll have the opportunity to participate in the BPSC poster competition which will see up to 160 posters presented at their online conference. Details and online entry form can be accessed here. Please note the closing date to enter the online competition is 3rd March 2023.
Successful entries receive:
- An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation* at our online conference on 17th May 2023
- A discounted delegate rate of £169 (no VAT), co-authors entitled to same rate
- National poster competition oral presentation certificate
- Opportunity to win a first prize in each themed group of 10 posters
- *2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A
Who should apply?: junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, medical students and those working in care settings among others.
Don’t miss the Delegate Early Bird offer of £199 (no VAT). The programme has been announced :www.bristolpatientsafety.com
Keep up to date with the programme for the day by visiting the Bristol Patient Safety conference website here.