01/12/2020|Time: 14:00 - 17:00
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN and South West AHSN
Event summary
We are delighted to invite the PERIPrem Clinical Community to come together in celebration and to share experiences of their PERIPrem Journey.
This half day session will recognise the hardwork that each team has dedicated to optimising care for preterm infants so far, and will offer a range of opportunities to join in with learning and development sessions.
We are keen that as many of you from each unit are able to join us, we will be sending a celebration hamper and other resources so that you can fully participate in the day.
The conference will start at 2pm, with an optional networking lunch at 1.30pm. Why not grab yourself some lunch and a cuppa and join us!
We will announce key note speakers from the academic perinatal community shortly.