07/03/2022|Time: 13:00 - 14:00
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: rachel.gibbons10@nhs.net
Event summary
This is an opportunity for GPs and Health Care Professionals in Gloucestershire to join an online education session on the management of patients with high cholesterol and lipid disorders.
Delivered by secondary care consultants and pharmacists, this virtual session will be 60 minutes and include time for questions and discussion.
Treating high cholesterol is a priority in the NHS Long Term Plan, as it will have a major impact on Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) which currently accounts for 25% of UK deaths and is the main cause of death in deprived areas.
This session will cover the optimisation of treatment of patients with established CVD, including the use of high intensity statins, ezetimibe and Inclisiran, when to refer to secondary care and the secondary care prescribing options available. It will also cover the proactive identification of patients with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH).
It will also share early learning from an ongoing project in Primary Care using the One Gloucestershire Lipid Optimisation Pathway.
These events relate to the AHSN’s FH and Lipids Programme and work to increase usage of a series of Rapid Uptake Products which include a lipids clinical pathway.