20/07/2021|Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England Academy & Kent Surrey and Sussex AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: weahsn.academy@nhs.net
Event summary
The West of England AHSN’s Academy, in collaboration with Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN, is hosting a free online two-hour workshop on Tuesday 20 July, focused on economic evaluation planning and market-readiness assessment for healthcare innovation.
The workshop is aimed at those with an interest in economic evaluation of healthcare innovation or change.
The workshop will be led by experts in evaluation of healthcare innovation, and will be both informative and interactive, providing the opportunity to put learning into practise.
It will be particularly relevant for SMEs, commissioners and healthcare professionals involved in a change programme.
Objectives & key take-aways:
- Learn how to plan an economic evaluation for a healthcare innovation or change
- Participate in practical activities to carry out an economic evaluation and opportunities for discussion
- Receive an introduction to the market readiness framework
- Understand how to assess a healthcare innovation for its market-readiness
The West of England Academy offers a wide range of free resources to healthcare professionals and innovators across the region. To find out more about our Academy, visit our webages or email weahsn.academy@nhs.net
Our academy works hard to welcome attendees from a broad range of backgrounds creating a safe and open environment for learning and sharing ideas