28/09/2017|Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Worcester College, Oxford
Organised by: NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Co-operative (DEC) Oxford
Email: dec@phc.ox.ac.uk
Event summary
The next Diagnostic Evidence Workshop will be held on 28-29 September 2017 at Worcester College, Oxford.
This course is aimed at all professionals working on diagnostic tests including those working in industry, academia, funding and regulation.
Over two days, learn about the latest information on what evidence is needed to obtain regulatory approval, how NICE evaluates new diagnostic technology and how to collect evidence to support adoption in routine clinical practice. In addition you will be taught about different study designs including quality assessment and where to look for funding opportunities. The course combines talks with hands-on activities. To stimulate interactive discussions and maximise the learning experience, the number of places for this course are limited to 25 spaces.
Feedback from the 2016 course:
‘Excellent, very relevant and presented in a usable and practical format’
‘Relevant and met expectations’
‘Excellent presentation on different forms of evidence and their importance’
‘Excellent networking opportunity; overwhelmed by positivity and willingness to help from all parties; thank you!’
‘Beautiful setting, good content and very easy access’
Course fees are £610 (inc VAT) which includes:
• All talks and workshops
• Tuition/course materials
• Lunch and refreshments on both days
• Seated three course dinner in the dining hall on 28 September
• College accommodation for the night of 28 September
For more information please see the DEC website.
Accommodation for the night of Thursday 28th September is included in the course fee. If you would like to stay for an extra night please contact dec@phc.ox.ac.uk as soon as possible. Alternatively there are several B&B options close by at the University rooms or Oxford B&B’s.
The programme
Day 1: Thursday 28 September
• Tests as part of a clinical pathway: Dr Gail Hayward (Oxford Uni)
• Aligning research and development with clinical needs: Dr Philip Turner (Oxford Uni)
• Different forms of evidence for different types of questions: Prof Ann Van den Bruel (Oxford Uni)
• Workshop: How to avoid low quality studies: Dr Gail Hayward and Prof Ann Van den Bruel (Oxford Uni)
• Workshop: Searching for existing evidence to support regulatory approval and other purposes: Dr Nia Roberts (Oxford Uni)
Day 2: Friday 29 September
• Basic statistics in diagnostic studies: Dr Jason Oke (Oxford Uni)
• Evidence for regulatory purposes: CE marking and European IVD Directive: Doris-Ann Williams (BIVDA)
• Evidence for implementation in routine clinical practice – NICE evaluations: Chris Hyde (Exeter Uni)
• Possibilities of routinely available data: Tim Holt (Oxford Uni)
• Health Economic Modelling Lucy Abel (Oxford Uni)
• Funding for diagnostic test development/opportunities for collaboration with academia: Ian Newington (NIHR NOCRI)
Please note that the programme may be subject to change.