25/01/2017|Time: 18:00 - 20:30
Location: East Building (Room 0.5), University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY
Organised by: Assisted Living Action Network (ALAN)
Event summary
There are 4 million people in the UK who have diabetes, including 120,000 in the West of England.
What if we could give people with diabetes a choice of carefully selected digital tools to help them better self-manage their condition and put them more in control of their own care?
Come to this special FREE seminar organised by ALAN (Assisted Living Action Network) to hear how the West of England AHSN is leading an NHS test bed project to try and do just that.
Refreshments will be available.
The programme
Speaker: Dr Elizabeth Dymond, Deputy Director of Enterprise, West of England Academic Health Science Network
This is a two year internet of things collaborative test bed funded by Innovate UK and led by the WEAHSN. It is one of seven test beds announced by NHS England in January 2016. The project will enrol people with Type I and II diabetes providing them with the opportunity to improve self-management of their condition. The Digital Coach platform will also encourage more timely and appropriate interventions.
Speaker: Tommy Parker, Digital Innovation Lead, Ki Performance Lifestyle Limited
Ki has led the use of body data for the creation of personalised strategies to enhance performance and outcomes. The Mi-PACT project is using the KiActiv® Health software to enable the use of multidimensional physical activity profiles in delivering positive behaviour change outcomes. This 12-week programme was developed to incorporate proven behaviour change techniques.