28/02/2018|Time: 08:45 - 13:00
Location: The University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus (Room to be advised), Bristol
Organised by: People in Health West of England
Tel: 0117 342 1251
Email: kim.thomas@nihr.ac.uk
Event summary
This course is also open to members of the public who are, or will be, facilitating involvement meetings and Researchers, health professionals/other staff currently running Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) meetings and groups (and those who will soon be taking on this responsibility). The workshop is not intended for members of the public who want to learn more about contributing to involvement meetings.
This workshop would provide the opportunity to reflect on and improve the skills needed to facilitate meetings involving members of the public. It will cover meeting arrangements and practicalities, setting ground rules and chairing skills, and establishing and maintaining co-chairing arrangements. The workshop will draw on the experiences of participants and provide an opportunity to share learning and ideas. It will be facilitated by Rosie Davies (Research Fellow, People in Health West of England) and Cathy Rice (public contributor, People in Health West of England Strategy Group). The workshop is also supported by other experienced members of the public who have contributed to different kinds of research meetings.
This event is free to attend.