04/10/2016|Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS1 2NT
Organised by: CLAHRC West
Tel: 0117 342 1261
Email: clahrcwest-training@nihr.ac.uk
Event summary
This two-hour workshop is an opportunity to review and refresh your skills in searching for and using evidence and will include:
• What is evidence? Recognising different types
• Tips and tricks for a good literature search (including demo)
• How do you know what evidence is good enough? A taste of critical appraisal
• What next: key resources and support available
Joining instructions
Spaces are limited to 12. If you would like to attend, please complete an online application form.
When allocating places, priority will be given to applicants from within the CLAHRC West region.