06/03/2018|Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Location: Vassall Centre, Bristol, BS16 2QQ
Organised by: Healthwatch Bristol
Tel: 0117 269 0400
Email: admin@thecareforum.org.uk
Event summary
So What?!” has Healthwatch Bristol been up to? Come along to the conference to find out.
Welcome and introduction
- “So What” has Healthwatch Bristol done during 2017-18?
Presentations from work in this year including long-term conditions, mental health and reasonable adjustments - “So What” are they doing about mental health and emotional wellbeing in Bristol? Project update
- “So What” are they doing in 2018-19?
Micro projects – community pot presentations
- “So What” has happened as a result of all this work?
- “So What” has changed?