Thursday 27 October 2022
2 - 3pm
Location: Online
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: weahsn.transformation@nhs.net
Event summary
The West of England AHSN is providing a series of 1 hour online education sessions for GPs and Health Care Professionals on the use of Inclisiran to manage patients with high cholesterol and lipid disorders.
Delivered by secondary care consultants and pharmacists, this virtual session will cover:
- What is PCSK9?
- What is Inclisiran and how does it work?
- Evidence base and safety data
- Practical issues in prescribing and administration
- Questions and discussion
Treating high cholesterol is a priority in the NHS Long Term Plan, as it will have a major impact on Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) which currently accounts for 25% of UK deaths and is the main cause of death in deprived areas.
This session (which will be repeated on multiple dates) will cover the optimisation of treatment of patients with established CVD, with a particular focus on Inclisiran, including which patients will benefit from this newly available treatment. Read more about the AHSN’s work on Inclisiran in our recent blog.
Session dates:
- Thurs 27 Oct, 2.00 – 3.00pm
There would be time for questions and case studies after the session. You may want to join the last 20 minutes to discuss any issues you have come across.
These events relate to the AHSN’s FH and Lipids Programme, and our work to increase usage of a series of Rapid Uptake Products which include a lipids clinical pathway.