Tuesday 4 October 2022
Location: Online
Organised by: Health Innovation Manchester
Tel: n/a
Email: icsupport@healthinnovationmanchester.com
Event summary
More than 100,000 people in England for whom home is a care home have been supported to stay safe and well by staff harnessing the potential of technology-enabled remote monitoring.
Get ready to be inspired for the journey to help thousands more by joining with fellow health and care professionals at this virtual event, dedicated to sharing local experiences, challenges, best practice and successes.
Engage with peers on how technology enabled remote monitoring is supporting personalised care and optimising services including hospital discharge, ambulance conveyances and A&E attendance.
Joining details will be sent via Microsoft Outlook invite nearer the time. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and this event is open to health and care professionals. Please feel free to forward this invitation to relevant colleagues within your network.