28/01/2022|Time: 08:00 - 09:30
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN and South West AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: weahsn.transformation@nhs.net
Event summary
We are delighted to hold our first regional collaborative Community of Practice to explore innovation needs for Children and Young People’s (CYP) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) pathway with CYP mental health services and community paediatrics, as part of The AHSN network Focus ADHD project.
About this event:
The event will be held on Microsoft Teams and joining instructions will be circulated once you have registered for the event.
This event is an opportunity to share and learn with West of England and South West commissioners, service leads and clinicians involved in the ADHD pathway to share challenges and solutions with regional colleagues and explore common areas of support required to shape a Community of Practice agenda for 2022.
This forum will provide a collaborative virtual space to explore innovation needs across the pathway and to discuss objective assessment testing (Qbtest) as an evidence-based innovation with Dr Julie Clarke, Consultant Community Paediatrician, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust.
What will the community of practice enable?
A cross regional, supportive network to share challenges, experience and best practice and focus on areas for innovation on the ADHD pathway as directed by the network.
What is the Focus ADHD project?
West of England and SW AHSN are working with mental health trusts and community paediatric services to improve the assessment process for ADHD using computer-based tests (measuring attention, impulsivity and activity) to supplement current clinical assessment processes. Find out more here!