Wednesday 23 & 30 November
Location: Online event - MS Teams
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: christabel.ofodum@nhs.net
Event summary
Hosted by West of England Academic Health Science Network and One Gloucestershire. We welcome GPs, Clinical Pharmacists, Practice Nurses, PCN management and anyone working in primary care within Gloucestershire. This session will provide an overview of the UCLP Proactive Care Frameworks, the resources and support on offer and the local context of CVD prevention in Gloucestershire. With a particular focus on reducing inequalities, hypertension management and optimisation, this webinar is an opportunity to learn more about this innovative approach to tackling the increasing risk of CVD morbidity and mortality.
We are delighted to be joined by Dr Matt Kearney, Executive Clinical Director for Cardiovascular Health and National Director of the Blood Pressure Optimisation Programme (UCLPartners) and a host of other presenters.
We are offering two webinars focused on the benefits of implementation of the UCLPartners Proactive Framework for Hypertension Optimisation.
You will learn how the Proactive Care Frameworks can;
- Provide a platform for optimising clinical care and self-care for people with hypertension, supporting primary care teams to do things differently and at scale
- Help Primary Care Networks and practices to prioritise and focus resources on optimising care in patients at highest risk
- Support use of the wider workforce to deliver high quality proactive care and improved support for personalised care, releasing GP time in this period of unprecedented demand
- Offer pathways for remote care and support for virtual consultations
- Work alongside the community pharmacy hypertension case finding service
Sessions available:
- Wednesday 23 Nov – 13:00 – 14:30
- Wednesday 30 Nov – 14:00 – 15:30
Got a question? If you have a question about this event contact us at: christabel.ofodum@nhs.net
Book now - 30 November