16 November 2023, 14 December 2023 and 8 February 2024
Location: Online
Organised by: Health Innovation West of England
Email: jelena.ivanovic@nhs.net
Event summary
Why attend?
Cholesterol and Lipid Disorders – Key Messages in Diagnosis and Management
Health Innovation West of England is providing a series of 80-minute online education sessions for GPs and Health Care Professionals on the management of patients with high cholesterol and lipid disorders.
Delivered by secondary care consultants and pharmacists, the virtual session will be 80 minutes and include time for questions and discussion.
Treating high cholesterol is a priority in the NHS Long Term Plan, as it will have a major impact on Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) which currently accounts for 25% of UK deaths and is the main cause of death in deprived areas.
These sessions (repeated on multiple dates) will cover the optimisation of treatment of patients with established CVD, including the use of high intensity statins and ezetimibe, when to refer to secondary care and the secondary care prescribing options available. It will also cover the proactive identification of patients with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH).
There will be time for questions and case studies after the first hour of the webinar. If you have already attended another of these webinars, you may want to join the last 20 minutes of a session to discuss anonymised cases you have come across. If you will only be attending the final 20 minutes, please register here: 20 Minute-Case Study Only Registration Form (zohopublic.eu)
The Webinars will be held as follows:
- Thursday, 16 November 2023: 1.00pm – 2.30pm
- Thursday, 14 December 2023: 1.00pm – 2.30pm
- Thursday, 8 February 2024: 1.00pm – 2.30pm
Please note that the sessions will only run if a minimum number sign up. Where there are not enough signups, you will be automatically registered for the next session
These events relate to the Health Innovation Network’s national FH and Lipids Programme and work to increase usage of a series of Rapid Uptake Products. The webinars will reference the local pathways developed within the West of England (BSW, BNSSG and Gloucestershire) which are consistent with the NICE approved lipid management pathway. Thus, specific questions about systems in other regions cannot be answered, but we will signpost you to the relevant organisation if necessary.
Got a question? Contact us to find out more about this event: jelena.ivanovic@nhs.net
Who should attend
GPs and Health Care Professionals involved in treating high cholesterol and Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD)
Book here for the webinar on 14 December 2023
Book here for the webinar 8 February 2024