24/05/2022|Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Online event
Organised by: The AHSN Network
Tel: n/a
Email: weahsn.transformation@nhs.net
Event summary
Please join us and colleagues from across the region at the fourteenth Patient Safety Network Event on 24th May 2022.
Our Patient Safety Network event is an opportunity to interact and discuss with colleagues working to improve maternal and neonatal care across the local maternity systems, and a forum for local improvement to thrive. This collaborative session aims to create a safe space for local learning and sharing.
We would like to invite representation from across the maternal and neonatal systems particularly healthcare professionals providing care to mothers and babies, as well as commissioners, Maternity Voices Partnerships and women and their families. This event is open to all across the West of England region including services in Bristol, Weston-Super-Mare, Swindon, Gloucester, Stroud, Cheltenham, Bath and Wiltshire.
Our regional Patient Safety Network is the mechanism through which the national Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme (MatNeoSIP) will be delivered. It’s mission is to collaborate, share learning and support continuous improvement to achieve the network’s aims in improving the safety and outcomes of maternal and neonatal care by reducing unwarranted variation and providing a high quality healthcare experience for all women, babies, and families across England.
Our Patient Safety Network event will cover the three primary drivers of the MatNeoSIP: Smoke Free Pregnancy, Optimisation and Stabilisation of the Preterm Infant (delivered via our regional project model, PERIPrem) and Early Recognition and Management of Deterioration of Women and Babies, as well as topics which are relevant to improving care for our regional perinatal stakeholders.
It is a great opportunity to join us and connect with people from across maternal and neonatal systems who are passionate about improving safety in maternity and neonatal care.
The agenda for the day will be released in due course.
To give us a estimation of attendees, please could you indicate if you planning to attend online or, due to other commitments, are you registering to receive the videos post event?