21/04/2017|Time: 09:30 - 16:30
Location: University Hospitals Bristol NHS FT, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Upper Maudlin St, Bristol BS2 8HW
Organised by: University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Tel: n/a
Email: safetyandlearningenquiries@nhsla.com
Event summary
The Mindful of the Gap event will explore how integrated patient care is delivered in reality, including a mental health perspective as well as consider support and empowerment of staff. Afternoon breakout sessions will provide opportunities for smaller group discussions with experts in the field to explore different aspects of case stories, along with local, integrated and strategic models.
Confirmed speakers are:
- John Short, Chief Executive, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust – Can trusts work together to recreate a NHS?
- Stuart Bell CBE, Chief Executive, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust – Integration: care as a shared endeavour
- Roger Kline, Co-Director, NHS WRES – Openness and candour: culture and leadership to enable and support staff
For more information or to register for the event, please click here.
This is the second of a series of interactive events, the first was held in Birmingham and the video below gives feedback from participants http://www.nhsla.com/Safety/Events/Pages/Voices-from-the-Past-event.aspx
If you need any more information contact Jenny Skinner skinnerjmc@gmail.com or safetyandlearningenquiries@nhsla.com
Who should attend
This event will benefit staff ranging from chief executives and directors to front-line clinicians and designated patient safety leads. It has been designed for those who wish to improve patient safety and reduce the cost of claims against their organisation.
View this short video ‘Voices from the Past’to hear what delegates had to say.