07/10/2016|Time: 09:30 - 17:00
Location: Bristol
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 900 2543
Email: events@weahsn.net
Event summary
An event to train the trainers from the three early adopter trusts involved in the structured mortality reviews project being run by the West of England Patient Safety Collaborative. Selected individuals from the remaining trusts in the collaborative will also be invited as appropriate.
The programme
A draft programme for this event will follow shortly.
Benefits of attending
Individuals attending will be exposed to the structured case note review process and how to cascade train individuals within their trusts. Those individuals selected from the collaborative trusts, who are not one of the early adopters, will gain an insight as to their responsibilities for roll out.
Who should attend
Individuals selected by the Trusts as cascade trainers or to attend the event for information will be notified through their trust leads.