28/09/2017|Time: 09:00 - 13:30
Location: Kings Weston House, Kings Weston Lane, Kingsweston, Bristol, BS11 0UR
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 984 1690
Email: Henry.Yip@weahsn.net
Event summary
We have been working on implementing the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) across our urgent care system since 2014. We have made excellent progress and are currently evaluating our outcomes.
This half day event will run between 09:00 and 13:30 on Thursday 28 September 2017 and is aimed at those who have been working on NEWS. The event will consist of one plenary talk from Matt Inada-Kim, a National Clinical Advisor on Sepsis, who will be introducing us to NEWS2.
The rest of the event will be an ‘Open Space’ event giving delegates the opportunity to suggest topics and then converse with other professionals. As we move into NEWS2 these discussions will provide delegates with the opportunity to discuss any issues and help them move forward with their work whilst providing us the opportunity to ask questions and make plans for the future.
The programme
The programme is designed to give delegates an opportunity to network and meet like-minded colleagues to discuss burning issues on NEWS. At this event, the key to success is active participation in ‘Open Space’. There is no set agenda, so discussions will be formed by those attending.
Benefits of attending
The main benefit of this event is having an ‘Open Space’ where like-minded colleagues across the West of England Academic Health Science region can network and create a forum to share best practice and learn from each other.
To learn more about Open Space please see this handy 2 minute video: https://youtu.be/M_jhcvCYBbg
There are also a lot of resources about organising an Open Space type event at: http://unconference.net/methods/
It is also a good opportunity to hear from Matt Inada-Kim on the introduction of NEWS2.
Who should attend
We would welcome attendees from all organisations who have worked on the deteriorating patient work-streams or have an interest in improving the recognition of the deteriorating patient across the system.
Attendees who would like to contribute towards an Open Space and actively engage in discussion and share issues that are occurring in their respective areas are also welcome.
We would actively encourage attendance from Primary and Community Care (including practice nurse and mental health services), GP referral units or single points of clinical access, South West Ambulance Trust, Emergency Departments and Secondary Care Wards.