Thursday 11 July 2024, 09:30 - 11:00am
Location: Online - MS Teams
Organised by: Health Innovation South West and Health Innovation West of England
Email: max.hornby@nhs.net
Event summary
Why attend?
Please join us and colleagues from across the region at the PERIPrem Share and Learn Event on 11 July 2024 to share your data.
Chaired by Dr Sarah Bates, our summer share and learn will focus on data for our optimisation workstream. We will be learning from NNAP data analyst Humfrey Legge (RCPCH) about increased opportunities for understanding your optimisation data. PERIPrem Data Optimisation processes will be explored with opportunities to contribute towards SW improvements. We hope to hear how it’s working for all and what improvement would look like.
Please do share widely within your trust, due to the SW focus this session is primarily for all West of England and South West PERIPrem teams and for all staff working within perinatal services in the region.
This session will be interactive and an opportunity to learn from colleagues in the PERIPrem Community, as well as share and problem solve any knotty problems you may be experiencing.
This session is specifically provided for the PERIPrem teams and champions within the SW ODN region under the national Maternity and Neonatal pre term optimisation workstream and will be of great benefit to those able to attend.
This meeting will take place on Microsoft Teams.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions: max.hornby@nhs.net or sally.hedge@healthinnovationsouthwest.com