Thursday 12 October, 10am - 12pm
Location: Online event
Organised by: Health Innovation South West and Health Innovation West of England
Tel: n/a
Email: weahsn.transformation@nhs.net
Event summary
Health Innovation South West and Health Innovation West of England, in partnership with the Regional Maternity & Perinatal Team, invite you to join us for the re-launch of the Regional Perinatal Equity Network. The refreshed network will build on all the fantastic sessions provided over the past 2 years, with a renewed focus on supporting the implementation of the Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) Equity and Equality Action Plans, which provide a framework for our systems within the South West to address inequality within maternity and neonatal services.
The refreshed format will take place across two parts; the first part will feature presentations from engaging, diverse speakers, while the second part will be a collaborative, hands-on workshop providing systems with practical tools to enact their Equity and Equality Plans.
Aims & Objectives:
- Working in conjunction with the South West regional maternity team we aim to provide a space for collaboration, discussion and sharing of learning related to reducing inequity for those working in perinatal care in the West and South West region.
- To demonstrate a regional commitment to addressing inequalities in maternity and neonatal systems
- To facilitate a psychologically safe space to explore cultural competency and diversity fluency
- To act as a community of practice for those implementing inequality QI within the maternity and neonatal systems
Register your place to be part of the discussions to shaping change for our communities.