02/04/2020|Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Cheltenham Chase Hotel
Organised by: Gloucestershire ICS and West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 984 3413
Email: Tony.Goring@weahsn.net
Event summary
**Due to the current pandemic of COVID-19 this event will now be postponed. We’ll provide updates about the rescheduled event shortly.**
Join Gloucestershire ICS for a half day conference on ReSPECT in Care Homes
About this conference
Gloucestershire ICS and the West of England AHSN would like to invite you to join them for a half day ReSPECT in the Care Home conference. The conference will provide colleagues in the Gloucestershire region space to explore having the ReSPECT conversation with residents, guiding them through documentation of their priorities for emergency care including exploration of clinical recommendations.
The event is relevant to GPs and senior staff within Care homes and Learning and Disability Care homes.
What session should I attend?
We know how busy we all are therefore the conference has been carefully constructed to neatly fit into a 3 hour session. Attendees have the option to either attend a morning session or an afternoon session .
- Morning session will open with registration from 9am with registration with the main session starting at 9.30am and concluding at 12.30pm.
- Afternoon session will open at 1pm with registration with the main session starting at 1.30pm and concluding at 4.30pm.
What does the agenda look like?
The below agenda will be used for both morning and afternoon sessions:
- Registration, refreshments and networking (30mins)
- Welcome and Housekeeping (15mins)
- Outline of the morning (15mins) Journey in the Life of a ReSPECT form/ Setting the scene (where we are today)
- Split group session. Sessions run concurrently and then groups switch over;
- Session A – two sub group: Communication – How to have a ReSPECT conversation (30 mins) and GP/Care Home session – How are we going to work together? (30 mins)
- Session B: Practicing having ReSPECT conversations with AHSN actors (1hr)
- Break (15mins)
- Explanation of criteria for Silver ReSPECT Award (15mins)
- Summing up and next steps
- Lunch – (pre-registration required)
We would like to ask all attendees to access the G-Care ReSPECT training pages ahead of attending the event. To access the G-Care training page, click the link: https://g-care.glos.nhs.uk/education-type/128
NB. This event is only available to colleagues who work in Gloucestershire ICS care home