21/01/2022|Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Location: Webinar (multiple dates available)
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Event summary
Our online session will help care staff in the West of England keep residents safer by quickly spotting causes of deterioration.
You want to keep your residents safe and healthy. Research has shown that spotting when someone is unwell can be particularly difficult in a care home setting, and sadly this means opportunities to help people at an early stage may be missed. Particularly now, with concerns of COVID-19, we all want to make sure that any illness or cause of deterioration is spotted quickly, so people can get the right care for them.
Who is this training for?
✅ All staff from any care setting in the community (including Nursing/Residential/Domiciliary/ day activity settings etc.) who provide support to people with any care needs for example Dementia, Older people, Learning disabilities, Mental health conditions, Autism etc.
✅ Non-registered care assistants and support workers working in a care setting
✅ Non-clinical and administrative staff working in a care provider setting
✅Care homes support teams and other support services can access the training as well.
What will I learn?
RESTORE2TM is an award-winning physical deterioration and escalation package designed specifically for residential and nursing homes. It can also be used in the domiciliary care sector.
The virtual training will focus on the mini version of RESTORE2: recognising “Soft Signs” of deterioration, responding to and escalating concerns through a structured communication tool (SBARD) to assist care staff “get their message across” every time in order to “get the right help”.
Free, bite-sized training, an opportunity to ask questions and share with your peers.
You will leave with practical next steps and more confidence in supporting your residents and your team.
Each session is:
1hr with optional Q&A session afterwards
Held online through a Zoom video call
Up-to-date with emerging guidance and good practice
Interactive with livestreamed learning
Includes short-quality assured videos made specially for the care home sector
Plus plenty of wrap around support to answer your questions and concerns
Session times and dates:
- Friday 3 December, 13:00 – 14:00
- Thursday 9 December, 14:00-15:00
- Tuesday 11 January, 10:00-11:00
- Friday 21 January, 14:00-15:00