20/07/2021|Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: Various dates available
Email: events@weahsn.net
Event summary
We know that whilst you are busy doing great work in care homes, it can be really challenging to keep up with new guidance, especially now. Often you are left to figure out on your own how to turn this into practice in your home.
You want to keep your residents safe and healthy. Research has shown that spotting when someone is unwell can be particularly difficult in a care home setting, and sadly this means opportunities to help people at an early stage may be missed. Particularly now, with concerns of COVID-19, we all want to make sure that any illness or cause of deterioration is spotted quickly, so people can get the right care for them.
We would like to help make it easy for you. As an NHS organisation who works with both health and social care, we can offer you:
- Free, bite-sized training, an opportunity to ask questions and share with your peers.
- You will leave with practical next steps and more confidence in supporting your residents and your team.
What will I learn?
RESTORE2TM is an award-winning physical deterioration and escalation package designed specifically for residential and nursing homes. It was developed by West Hampshire CCG and the Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative, and is being rolled out in other areas across the country. RESTORE2TM can also be used in the domiciliary care sector.
The tool can be used to support recognition of early soft signs of deterioration, taking observations, responding and escalate using a common language with other parts of the health and care system so that you can get the help you need quicker. The tool encompasses NEWS2 (national early warning score) and SBARD (situation, background, assessment, recommendation and decision) for communicating concerns.
The training aims to either refresh your existing knowledge or upskill if this is an area of practice you are less familiar with, and ultimately to give you the confidence to manage these difficult situations.
Various training dates available
Up-to-date with emerging guidance and good practice;1hr 30 mins long (including Q&A time)
Each session is:
May | 11 |
July | 20 |
Aug | TBC |
Includes short-quality assured videos made specially for the care home sector; Interactive with livestreamed learning;
- Plus plenty of wrap around support to answer your questions and concerns.
- All training materials are provided and videos are freely available for you to use in your own home.
- Why not check out our most popular video, an introduction to sepsis and serious illness.
As the COVID-19 response escalates, the training package will also be helpful to care home staff who may be required to provide ongoing or additional support to their residents who may or may not have experienced the infection.
- Bring your favourite drink and snack
- You will find it helpful to bring any equipment you use for taking observations to the session.
Who is this training for?
- All settings: nursing homes, residential homes, independent supported living and day activity services, domiciliary care providers, as well as care home support teams.
- All residents: including older people and people with learning disabilities, mental health conditions, or autism.
- All staff: You do not need to be a registered professional to attend the training.
How do I join the online training?
To access the online training you’ll need to download Zoom onto your computer. Go to Zoom.us and install the software onto your computer. Once installed we’ll provide you with a link to access the online training.
Can’t make any of the sessions?
If none of the training times work for you, please get in touch and we’ll let you know when more sessions are available.
Visit our care home resources page
Other training sessions
RESTORE2TM mini is a condensed version, and is an ideal first step for homes that are new to the “soft signs” and using structured communication. RESTORE2TM mini is designed to be used anywhere, without the need for special equipment. If you would like to book onto training for RESTORE2mini please visit https://carehomesrestore2minitraining.eventbrite.co.uk
Both versions have been designed and tested together with homes, so they are relevant for your needs.