02/02/2016|Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Location: Taunton Rugby Football Club
Organised by: Regional Sepsis Network in conjunction with West of England AHSN
Tel: 0117 900 2543
Email: events@weahsn.net
Event summary
Following the second sepsis masterclass in June 2015 in Bath you are invited to attend the third masterclass in the series on 2 February 2016 (rescheduled from December). This is organised by the West of England Regional Sepsis group in conjunction with the West of England AHSN.
The event will also be an opportunity to share local learning through networking and poster presentation, and hear about national report findings.
Call for poster abstracts for poster display. (view the flyer)
There will be a poster display area and prize competition. Please complete the application form and submit by 13 January.
Click here to download the Poster abstract submission form
Posters will be judged on the day. If you are unable to attend on 2 February you are more than welcome to send a representative, who may be asked questions by the judging panel. The winner will receive a certificate and a prize presented by our keynote speaker.
If you are unable to attend the event but would like to receive a copy of the event report and updates on sepsis developments locally please sign-up at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PSCdistribution
The programme
Session topics to include: paediatric and maternity sepsis, as well as antibiotic stewardship. Please note this is draft outline and topics are subject to change.
Who should attend
If you are working on sepsis or have a plan to improve sepsis in your area, whether primary care, community, emergency or acute services then you would be welcome at our event which is open to attendees across the South West and West of England regions.