Friday 19 July 2024, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Location: Online - MS Teams
Organised by: Health Innovation West of England
Event summary
Showcasing successful collaboration in healthcare innovation will explore how industry and our health and care system can work together to embed innovation and improve patient outcomes. This webinar will focus on the Living Well with COPD project and tell the story of how a conversation with a technology company already present in the local health and care system, developed into a new and novel pilot to proactively care for patients with a long term condition.
Associate Director, Ellie Wetz and her team, are working in partnership with Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Integrated Care Board (ICB) over the next 12 months to deliver an exciting new programme to accelerate the adoption and spread of innovation across, Healthier Together – the local Integrated Care System (ICS).
You will also hear about the available support for innovators through Health Innovation West of England and the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI).
This event welcomes four speakers from North Bristol NHS Trust, ABHI and Health Innovation West of England who will share insights and answer questions.
Who is the event for?
Health tech Innovators are welcome from any background or sector, be at any stage of the innovation journey, and be based in any geographical location. You may work within a small or medium enterprise, an NHS or social care provider, academic setting or for a not-for-profit organisation. You may be just starting out with an idea for an innovation or already have a solution in development or deployment.
Who are the speakers?
Sanjoy Shah – Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, North Bristol NHS Trust.
Ellie Wetz – Associate Director, Health Innovation West of England.
Richard Phillips – Executive Director of Policy and Partnerships, Association of British HealthTech Industries.
Alex Leach – Deputy Director of Programmes, Health Innovation West of England.
Got a question? Contact us to find out more about this event: tara.copps2@nhs.net