Monday 3 October 2022
Location: Online
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: james.mcmahon5@nhs.net
Event summary
Join the launch of our new and extended South West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative (SWLDC) which covers the region from Gloucestershire and Wiltshire to Cornwall. The expanded collaborative, previously the West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative (WELDC), will share learning and best practice across the South West and is for people with, and those who care for people with, a learning disability and anyone who has an interest in improving the lives of people with a learning disability.
The WELDC included over 300 members from varied backgrounds and collaborated to improve the care provided to people with a learning disability. Much of this work involved sharing ideas and best practice but members also developed resources to increase awareness of annual health checks, oral healthcare, use of NEWS2 and RESTORE2 and to raise awareness of reasonable adjustments including the nasal spray flu vaccine . In addition, the West of England AHSN-led collaborative worked with NHS England to co-produce and deliver virtual training for over 7000 families and carers, so they felt more confident to say when someone with a learning disability was unwell.
We want to build on this community model of working, with experts by experience and carers being at the heart of the collaborative’s work. At the launch event there will be an opportunity to learn more about the vision for the SWLDC and how you, and anyone with an interest in improving the lives of people with a learning disability, can be involved.
In addition, colleagues from the South West will be sharing some of the work they are undertaking to improve outcomes if someone with a learning disability becomes acutely unwell.
The agenda includes:
- NHSE Plan for Learning Disabilities in the South West
- Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust: A new training video for RESTORE2 Mini
- University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust: Digital Hospital Passports
- The Royal College of Physicians Acute Care Tool Kit
Speakers will include:
- Alison Tavaré, West of England Academic Health Science Network
- Graham Carr, NHS England
- Simon Shorrick, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Saoirse Read, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
- James McMahon, West of England Academic Health Science Network
Anyone who has an interest in improving the lives of people with a learning disability is welcome to join us so please feel free to share this event.
The South West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative is funded and delivered in partnership with NHS England South West.