Monday 28 November
1 - 2pm
Location: Online
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Tel: n/a
Email: Lara.Covill1@nhs.net
Event summary
The South West Learning Disabilities Collaborative (SW LDC) webinars are an opportunity for everyone in the South West with an interest in learning disabilities and improving outcomes for people with learning disabilities to come together and share experiences, ideas and learning.
What’s the session likely to cover?
These informative sessions bring together a wide range of people, including experts by experience, clinicians and carers who share their knowledge, skills and ideas to support improvement. Our current priorities include promoting use of RESTORE2, increasing uptake of Annual Health Checks and improving outcomes for clinical conditions. The November session will focus on how people with a learning disability access screening, diagnosis and treatment for cancer in the South West.
What is the SWLDC?
It is estimated that approximately 2% of the adult population has a learning disability. People with a learning disability are on average likely to die many years earlier than their counterparts without a learning disability. Many of these deaths continue to be from avoidable causes, such as pneumonia and sepsis.
The West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative (LDC) was established in 2019, and focused on using the National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) and soft-signs tools such as RESTORE2; increasing uptake of annual health checks and flu vaccination. After notable successes the West of England LDC ceased in March 2022, with the new and expanded SWLDC created to cover the entire South West of England region.
The expanded collaborative is led by the West of England AHSN but funded and delivered in partnership with NHS England South West. Find out more and access our free resources and newsletter.
Got a question?
If you have a question about this event, please contact: lara.covill1@nhs.net