01/03/2022|Time: 13:00 - 14:00
Location: Online event
Organised by: Wessex AHSN, West of England AHSN and South West AHSN
Tel: 07730 392041
Email: splumb1@nhs.net
Event summary
A collaborative virtual workshop to gather rapid insight from the implementation of Covid Oximetry @Home and Covid Virtual wards in the NHS
Covid Oximetry and Virtual wards have been successfully and rapidly re-established to meet an anticipated surge in Covid cases in the South West
The aim of this event is to provide rapid insight that captures and analyses the lessons from how these services have been successfully implemented at pace, and to ensure maximum benefit is realised going forward.
Participation is invited from those involved in setting up and delivering CO@H and Covid Virtual wards pathways, which may include
- CVW and CO@H delivery teams
- primary care and community teams
- Same day emergency care ( SDEC) or emergency department clinical care e.g. acute physician and nursing staff
- Respiratory leads
- Digital and data support leads
- Transformation leads from primary care and acute settings
- ICS/CCG/clinical leads
- Regional leads
It is a forum for learning from one another and rapidly sharing the outputs throughout the region.
Wessex AHSN have formed a Rapid Insight Team with good understanding of change in health and social care systems, and is underpinned by expertise in implementation science and are able to work at pace. The South west and West of England AHSN will be supporting this workshop too
Please note
This workshop will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and will be recorded. We will download the comments from the chat bar, and this will be used for thematic analysis.
We will ensure that the findings do not contain any references to you or identify who you are.
We will be using the data captured to report findings to you and as part of the AHSN Covid 19 reflective learning. raw data will not be shared anywhere else .