Thursday 13 October 2022
Location: Holiday Inn, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton
Organised by: South West Severe Asthma Network, South West & West of England AHSNs
Tel: n/a
Email: Caroline.Fitz-Avon@SomersetFT.nhs.uk
Event summary
Join the South West Severe Asthma Network plenary and education day. The event is for all healthcare professionals with an interest in asthma and will be held at the Holiday Inn, Taunton.
Hear all about the Network and future plans for it, and join talks on subjects including asthma biologics, how to test for exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction, providing an integrated respiratory service and so much more from experts from across the South West. You will also have plenty of opportunity for networking and sharing learning.
Clare Evans, Deputy Director of Service and System Transformation, West of England AHSN will be discussing ‘Driving improvement: introducing FeNO into primary care’.
You can also come and visit the South West and West of England AHSN’s exhibition stand.