02/05/2017|Time: 17:45 - 20:30
Location: Engineer’s House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, BS8 3NB
Organised by: Bristol Patient Safety Conference 2017
Tel: 07954 691855
Email: katherine@bristolpatientsafety.com
Event summary
Workshops Leaders
Dr Patricia Woodhead, Associate Clinical Director for the West of England AHSN. Tricia spent 24 years as a consultant radiologist in the NHS. During 12 of these years she was Medical Director and Director/ Quality and Patient Safety. She is a Health Foundation and IHI Quality Improvement Fellow and Improvement Advisor.
Dr Seema Srivastava, Associate Medical Director for Safe Care, Consultant Physician, North Bristol NHS Trust, Medical Lead within the Safer Care South West Collaborative since 2012, Q Fellow.
Accredited by RCP to award 2 CPD points
Evening Programme 2nd May
Prices include two course hot supper on arrival Standard price £59 (no VAT)
Trainees price £29 (no VAT)
Combined: QI Evening 2nd May & Daytime Patient Safety Conference 3rd May
Combined price £228 (no VAT) incl conference at same venue 3rd May (09:30–16:30)
Accredited to award up to a maximum of 6 RCP CPD points
The programme
The programme will outline as follows:
1. Introduction to national picture and support available:
• Consider Medical Royal Colleges’ approach to supporting trainee development of Quality Improvement (QI) competence
• Academy of Medical Royal Colleges report ‘Training for Better Outcomes’ published March 2016
• GMC Guidance that now requires QI work to form part of appraisal and revalidation
• Royal College of Physicians (RCP) QI Hub – launched Jan 2017
• Health Education England Quality Framework 2016/17 and its emphasis on multi-professional experience
2. Developing Support Structures for your QI work locally:
Exploring and demonstrating ways and means to develop support structures for QI projects within your organisation. This will include examples such as:
• adapting audit teams
• connecting with Academic Health Science Networks (AHSN)
• on-line learning modules
• support and coaching available for Educational Supervisors and established consultants
3. Exploring the barriers and opportunities to change:
Round table discussion on the opportunities, the barriers, the next steps and collaborations that will enable change
Who should attend
Clinicians and healthcare workers in NHS Trusts looking for support with their Quality Improvement work including Educational Supervisors, Clinical Supervisors, Trainers and Trainees