25/06/2018|Time: 18:30 - 20:30
Location: Atkins, The Hub 500 Park Avenue, Aztec West, Bristol BS32 4RZ
Organised by: Incose UK Limited
Tel: 01460 298217
Email: enquiries@incoseonline.org.uk
Event summary
The Viable System Model (VSM), created by Stafford Beer over 40 years ago, has become one of the best known and widely used cybernetic and systems thinking approaches. It is a powerful tool for the practical process of diagnosing problems in organisations, and helping to improve their functioning.
Speaker, Trevor Hilder, is a long time Systems Thinker and VSM practitioner and has worked in, owned and managed businesses in the field of ICT since 1974. He has applied the VSM in a wide variety of roles; ranging from training programmers, systems programming, creating one of the first database products to run on PCs, writing manufacturing systems, to building an Enterprise Resource Planning system for a convenience store chain.
Trevor had the good fortune of knowing Stafford Beer well, and was given the great complement of being told he is among the finest communicators of the concepts that underpin the model; including Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety.
Building on and going beyond the VSM, Trevor has developed his own approach to understanding organisational and individual behaviours and relationships he has called the Moral Modality Framework. This talk is an opportunity to learn about this powerful new approach as well as the VSM and to gain practical insights into their application.
The event is free to attend and networking will commence at 18:30 for 19:00 start.