15/06/2020|Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Location: Online event
Organised by: West of England AHSN
Event summary
The West of England Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), in collaboration with NHS England & Improvement, is inviting you to join a one-off webinar. The purpose of this is to share local and national updates relevant to those working in the learning disabilities sector.
In this session you can expect:
- Kevin Elliott, Head of Nursing for the Learning Disability & Autism Programme at NHS England and NHS Improvement South West, to give a brief national perspective of developments across the country in response to COVID-19.
- Alison Tavaré, Primary Care Clinical Lead for the West of England AHSN, to introduce the free RESTORE2™ training sessions that we are currently running.
- Local updates: there will be an opportunity for us to hear about the work that you are doing and share amongst your peers. Bring your successes and any sticky problems you are experiencing, so we can use the collective wisdom of the collaborative.
Topics in the spotlight will be:
- COVID-19
- Recognising and responding to physical deterioration
- Annual health checks
- Looking ahead to this year’s flu vaccination programme
Contact PS@weahsn.net if you have any questions or queries.